Really Barack?
Barack Obama reinforced his growing legacy as clueless, doofus who lives in a delusional cocoon. In the wake of the murders last week in Charleston, South Carolina, Obama: expressed anger over the...
View ArticleShip of State – Ship of Fools *Open Thread*
I’m not very good with computers. Television was the new thing when I was growing up. I still remember the thrill of our first “color” teevee. The skin tones were kind of green but we didn’t care,...
View ArticleJust Because You Can Doesn’t Mean You Should–UPDATE
I am neither a homophobe nor anti-homosexual. The gay men and women I know are decent, wonderful people. But that does not mean that I embrace homosexual sex as something good for people or good for...
View ArticleWashington, America’s Premiere Whorehouse
To refer to Washington as a bordello is an insult to prostitutes around the world. At least a legitimate prostitute ensures that her (or his) customer gets what they paid for. Not so in Washington....
View ArticleA Lot of Righties Are Still Confused About Kurds and Iraq
I am not giving the Left a pass. They seem equally clueless. But I am reacting to opinions and analysis proffered by voices on the right, such as Ed Morrissey at Hot Air. Ed is writing about reports...
View ArticleAre We Patriots?
I am a Son of the American Revolution. Through no effort of my own, other than to be a member of the “lucky” sperm club, I have 24 Great Grandfathers (and one Great Grandmother) who fought in the...
View ArticleWhat Drugs Is Barack “The Choomer” Obama Injesting for ISIS Strategy?
Listening to Barack Obama’s account today of the “success” of U.S. policy in combatting ISIS/ISIL in Syria and Iraq left me with but one, simple question–what mind altering substance is he on? His...
View ArticleHack Attack?
This is not good (thank you Captain Obvious). The New York Stock Exchange aka NYSE has suspended trading. This on top of a runway halt earlier today for all United flights–this essentially grounded...
View ArticleHillary Clinton is a Terrible Liar
When it comes to lying and making you feel good about it, Bill Clinton was the master. Remember the joke about a man caught in bed with his paramour engaged in coitus and his wife walks in? He jumps...
View ArticleKilling Bin Laden–Abottabad Was a Cluster F**k!–UPDATE
(I published this originally on July 15, 2015. In light of the 5 year “anniversary” of killing Bin Laden I decided to bump this up. There is a lot of misinformation being resurrected today. A pliant...
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